
Blocbox is an SaaS (software as a service) web application that allows users to collect information such as links, images and notes and store them in a single place, sharing and collaborating on them with other users.

Blocbox looks to streamline the tools target users need into one application. The extent of the build included a homepage for incentivising users to begin a free trial and advertise features and paid accounts, on-boarding screens to sign-up and login, as well as the control panel for users to test creating new items.

Blocbox was built as an exercise for the Bloc.io UI/UX Foundation course.


User Research
Visual Design
High Fidelity Rapid Prototyping
User Testing


    An online survey established how users saved and accessed their personal and professional information such as links, photos and notes. It helped establish user behaviors, what tools they were using, what features drew, and where these tools were lacking.

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    A number of collaborative softwares are currently available, so case studies on competitors like Basecamp, Evernote, Pinboard were conducted to cover a mix of professional and personal software and establish strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats.


    An intuitive interface to compete with the number of existing applications and allow to quicker adoption of our new software, dedicated conversation amongst collaborators, versioning control and a robust search tool were just a few places where Blocbox could improve over the competitors.


    After branding was established, several iterations of userflows, and wireframes were created and reviewed by potential users. Finally, an Invision prototype was built for user testing.

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    Multiple user tests, from run throughs of the prototype to shorter click tests, showed where issues in navigation occurred, what information was missing from the homepage for advertising Blocbox and what processes were intuitive. New copy was added and the control panel design was updated. A quick version of the site was built using HTML/CSS to conduct further testing towards the final product.

    Try Blocbox for yourself

    Git Hub | Invision Prototype